Supported nREPL operations

generated from a verbose 'describe' response (nREPL v1.2.0)



Adding some middleware

Required parameters
  • :middleware a list of middleware

Optional parameters
  • :extra-namespaces a list of extra namespaces to load. This is useful when the new middleware feature deferred loading

  • :status done, once done, and error, if there’s any problems in loading a middleware

  • :unresolved-middleware List of middleware that could not be resolved


Clones the current session, returning the ID of the newly-created session.

Required parameters

Optional parameters
  • :session The ID of the session to be cloned; if not provided, a new session with default bindings is created, and mapped to the returned session ID.

  • :new-session The ID of the new session.


Closes the specified session.

Required parameters
  • :session The ID of the session to be closed.

Optional parameters



Provides a list of completion candidates.

Required parameters
  • :prefix The prefix to complete.

Optional parameters
  • :complete-fn The fully qualified name of a completion function to use instead of the default one (e.g. my.ns/completion).

  • :ns The namespace in which we want to obtain completion candidates. Defaults to *ns*.

  • :options A map of options supported by the completion function. Supported keys: extra-metadata (possible values: :arglists, :docs).

  • :completions A list of completion candidates. Each candidate is a map with :candidate and :type keys. Vars also have a :ns key.


Produce a machine- and human-readable directory and documentation for the operations supported by an nREPL endpoint.

Required parameters

Optional parameters
  • :verbose? Include informational detail for each "op"eration in the return message.

  • :aux Map of auxiliary data contributed by all of the active nREPL middleware via :describe-fn functions in their descriptors.

  • :ops Map of "op"erations supported by this nREPL endpoint

  • :versions Map containing version maps (like *clojure-version*, e.g. major, minor, incremental, and qualifier keys) for values, component names as keys. Common keys include "nrepl" and "clojure".


Evaluates code. Note that unlike regular stream-based Clojure REPLs, nREPL’s "eval" short-circuits on first read error and will not try to read and execute the remaining code in the message.

Required parameters
  • :code The code to be evaluated.

  • :session The ID of the session within which to evaluate the code.

Optional parameters
  • :column The column number in [file] at which [code] starts.

  • :eval A fully-qualified symbol naming a var whose function value will be used to evaluate [code], instead of clojure.core/eval (the default).

  • :file The path to the file containing [code]. clojure.core/*file* will be bound to this.

  • :id An opaque message ID that will be included in responses related to the evaluation, and which may be used to restrict the scope of a later "interrupt" operation.

  • :line The line number in [file] at which [code] starts.

  • :ns The namespace in which to perform the evaluation. The supplied namespace must exist already (e.g. be loaded). If no namespace is specified the evaluation falls back to *ns* for the session in question.

  • :read-cond The options passed to the reader before the evaluation. Useful when middleware in a higher layer wants to process reader conditionals.

  • :nrepl.middleware.caught/caught A fully-qualified symbol naming a var whose function to use to convey interactive errors. Must point to a function that takes a java.lang.Throwable as its sole argument.

  • :nrepl.middleware.caught/print? If logical true, the printed value of any interactive errors will be returned in the response (otherwise they will be elided). Delegates to nrepl.middleware.print to perform the printing. Defaults to false.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/buffer-size The size of the buffer to use when streaming results. Defaults to 1024.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/keys A seq of the keys in the response whose values should be printed.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/options A map of options to pass to the printing function. Defaults to nil.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/print A fully-qualified symbol naming a var whose function to use for printing. Must point to a function with signature [value writer options].

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/quota A hard limit on the number of bytes printed for each value.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/stream? If logical true, the result of printing each value will be streamed to the client over one or more messages.

  • :ex The type of exception thrown, if any. If present, then :value will be absent.

  • :ns *ns*, after successful evaluation of code.

  • :root-ex The type of the root exception thrown, if any. If present, then :value will be absent.

  • :value The result of evaluating code, often readable. This printing is provided by the print middleware. Superseded by ex and root-ex if an exception occurs during evaluation.


Attempts to interrupt some executing request. When interruption succeeds, the thread used for execution is killed, and a new thread spawned for the session. While the session middleware ensures that Clojure dynamic bindings are preserved, other ThreadLocals are not. Hence, when running code intimately tied to the current thread identity, it is best to avoid interruptions. On Java 20 and later, if -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf is enabled, the JVMTI agent will be used to attempt to stop the thread.

Required parameters
  • :session The ID of the session used to start the request to be interrupted.

Optional parameters
  • :interrupt-id The opaque message ID sent with the request to be interrupted.

  • :status 'interrupted' if a request was identified and interruption will be attempted 'session-idle' if the session is not currently executing any request 'interrupt-id-mismatch' if the session is currently executing a request sent using a different ID than specified by the "interrupt-id" value 'session-ephemeral' if the session is an ephemeral session


Loads a body of code, using supplied path and filename info to set source file and line number metadata. Delegates to underlying "eval" middleware/handler.

Required parameters
  • :file Full contents of a file of code.

Optional parameters
  • :file-name Name of source file, e.g. io.clj

  • :file-path Source-path-relative path of the source file, e.g. clojure/java/io.clj

  • :nrepl.middleware.caught/caught A fully-qualified symbol naming a var whose function to use to convey interactive errors. Must point to a function that takes a java.lang.Throwable as its sole argument.

  • :nrepl.middleware.caught/print? If logical true, the printed value of any interactive errors will be returned in the response (otherwise they will be elided). Delegates to nrepl.middleware.print to perform the printing. Defaults to false.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/buffer-size The size of the buffer to use when streaming results. Defaults to 1024.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/keys A seq of the keys in the response whose values should be printed.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/options A map of options to pass to the printing function. Defaults to nil.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/print A fully-qualified symbol naming a var whose function to use for printing. Must point to a function with signature [value writer options].

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/quota A hard limit on the number of bytes printed for each value.

  • :nrepl.middleware.print/stream? If logical true, the result of printing each value will be streamed to the client over one or more messages.

  • :ex The type of exception thrown, if any. If present, then :value will be absent.

  • :root-ex The type of the root exception thrown, if any. If present, then :value will be absent.

  • :value The result of evaluating code, often readable. This printing is provided by the print middleware. Superseded by ex and root-ex if an exception occurs during evaluation.


Lookup symbol info.

Required parameters
  • :sym The symbol to lookup.

Optional parameters
  • :lookup-fn The fully qualified name of a lookup function to use instead of the default one (e.g. my.ns/lookup).

  • :ns The namespace in which we want to do lookup. Defaults to *ns*.

  • :info A map of the symbol’s info.


List of current middleware

Required parameters

Optional parameters

  • :middleware list of vars representing loaded middleware, from inside out


Lists the IDs of all active sessions.

Required parameters

Optional parameters

  • :sessions A list of all available session IDs.


Provides a requested class or resource.

Required parameters
  • :content base64 string

  • :name the class or resource name

  • :session the id of the session

  • :type "class" or "resource"

Optional parameters



Starts a sideloading session.

Required parameters
  • :session the id of the session

Optional parameters

  • :status "sideloader-lookup", never ever returns "done".


Add content from the value of "stdin" to *in* in the current session.

Required parameters
  • :stdin Content to add to *in*.

Optional parameters

  • :status A status of "need-input" will be sent if a session’s *in* requires content in order to satisfy an attempted read operation.


Replace the whole middleware stack

Required parameters
  • :middleware a list of middleware

Optional parameters
  • :extra-namespaces a list of extra namespaces to load. This is useful when the new middleware feature deferred loading

  • :status done, once done, and error, if there’s any problems in loading a middleware

  • :unresolved-middleware List of middleware that could not be resolved